Welcome to Laporte Community Bible Church. Laporte Community Bible Church is a non-denominational church with areas of ministry you can be a part of. The Bible states that "We are the body of Christ." As a Christian you have been given gifts by God, to use for the glory of God! Start using those gifts today, as tomorrow remains uncertain. There are many opportunities to be a part of our ministries here at Laporte Community Bible Church!
Take a look, and see what interests you.

Youth Ministry
The Lighthouse youth ministry is a disciple based program for youth grades 6-12. The Lighthouse is not soley a part of Laporte Community Bible Church, but a collaberative effort by Our church and 3 others. We are always excited to have more youth joining the group, and adults willing to mentor and be a part of youth ministry. The Lighthouse is held at the Laporte High School on Wednesday Evenings after the Wednesday Evening Meal.

Laporte Community Bible Church has a newly remodeled nursery for children ages 1-6. Nursery services are available for The Beat on Saturdays, and Sunday mornings as long as volunteers are available. Our volunteers names get added to a rotating list, so if you are interested in volunteering the parents of the church would greatly appreciate the help!

Laporte Community Bible Church utilizes some of the resources provided by donation and offerings toward supporting missionaries around the globe. If you would like your donation or offering to be used for this sole purpose simply write "Missions" on your check, or a seperate piece of paper if your offering is in cash. Click the Link below to view our currently supported missions.

Wednesday Evening Meals
At Laporte Community Bible Church we offer wednesday evening activities for all ages starting in October and lasting through May. Wednesday evenings at 5:30 PM Laporte Community Bible Church offers a meal for all members of the community, the meal is prepared and served by volunteers in the church. If you would like to be a part of preparing the meals simply click the link below to send us an e-mail, and we'll get you signed up.