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Stances On The Issues


The Laporte Community Bible church opposes the act of abortion in any form.

We Believe that the human life created by God begins at fertilization.

Genesis 1:26-27 States: "Then God said, 'let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavans and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.' So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."

Psalms 139:13-16 States: "For You formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." 


Abortion may be performed by multiple different methods in today's day including: mechanical destruction and removal of the child from the mother's womb, poisons given to the baby in utero or to the mother (like RU-486 or "morning after" pills), or means to prevent implantation of the fertilized embryo to the uterine wall. All of these methods are a deliberate act toward destroying a human life that God has created, and as such are opposed by this church. 


As Always, the Laporte Community Bible Church Accepts and welcomes every person, as they are, with open arms. The Love of God covers all sin. If you have aborted a child in the past Jesus has covered that sin, and as such you are forgiven, and you are loved!


Other verses you may find helpful: Isaiah 44:24, Isaiah 49:1 & 5, Jeremiah 1:5, Luke 1:39-45, Galations 1:15, Psalm 8, John 1:1 & 4, Hebrews 2:17.


Issue 1


The Laporte Community Bible Church turns to the Bible for our position on sexuality. The Bible, which is God's word, has a lot to say about sexual relations and marriage. The Bible makes it very clear, that all forms of sexual relations are reserved for a man and a woman who are married to one another. No other forms of sexual relations are within what God has instructed or has willed for us.

We Agree with our brothers and sisters in christ from Autumn Ridge church in Rochester Minnesota who state this:

"But what are we to say to a Christian brother or sister who is attracted to a person of the same sex while at the same time, with God’s help, is willing and able to resist taking action on these impulses? We say that we celebrate with all individuals who are single and practicing a life of chastity and abstinence, and we commend them for their courage and faithfulness to Christ.

In making the above statement we hope to convey the message that although God’s word does not condone sexual activity of any kind outside the bounds of a Biblical marriage, we do understand the dilemma some of our dear brothers and sisters in Christ are facing. God’s original design prohibits acting out the urges they face. But in this fallen world we all face temptations. Discipleship, mutual support and obedience are keys to victorious Christian living, whether the issue is greed, gluttony, covetousness, stealing, lying or any other action deemed sinful in the pages of God’s word. We all have urges. We all need forgiveness on an ongoing basis. “Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.” (1 Corinthians 6: 9-10) God’s redemption from homosexuality is no different than from any other sin.

We reject homophobia (hatred or fear toward homosexuals). We love and support those struggling with homosexual desires. We want to create an

environment where people can openly discuss their feelings without shame or fear of rejection.

We reject the notion that homosexual behavior is the worst sin. Christians struggling with issues related to homosexuality as our brothers and sisters in Christ deserve our love and support. Too often the Christian church has acted as if homosexual behavior is an unforgivable sin and, out of fear or loathing, rejected the person struggling with this issue, even as the sinful behavior is rightly rejected. As believers, we are called to put aside anger and malice and to love all people — even those who hate or persecute us (Matthew 5:44). We are also called to obey God’s commandments as an expression of our love for him (1 John 5:3).

Although we do not have conclusive answers to the question of what causes homosexuality, there are indications that genetics, prenatal hormones, early childhood environment and experiences, along with adult choices, can all be considered in the mix of potential causal factors.

In conclusion, we clearly know what God thinks about homosexual actions by way of an active, publicly expressed homosexual or lesbian lifestyle — God is against this and all other forms of sin. That said, we’re reminded of one of the best loved, most often quoted passages of the New Testament: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16). If you are not a believer, this scripture verse is for you. God loves you, personally. God’s grace is available to you 24/7. If you need help accepting Christ as your personal savior, contact any of our pastors. If you have accepted Christ as your personal savior, you are a sinner saved by grace. You are a member of God’s family. It means someday we’ll share eternal life as a family of forgiven sinners, with an eternity to join together in praising God for his grace and mercy. " (Taken From

Whatever sin you are struggling with, you are welcome at Laporte Community Bible Church. You have been and always will be loved. 


Verses you may find helpful: Genesis 2:18-24, Genesis 3, 1 Corinthians 6:9-20, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:24-27, Romans 8:13-14, John 17:17. 



Issue 2

Racial Harmony

The Laporte Community Bible Church stands with the belief that all people are created equal in the eyes of God. As with all of our church's stances on the issues we look to the scripture to best understand God's direction and instruction for us. 

Psalms 86:9 states: "All the nations You have made shall come and worship before You, O Lord, and shall glorify Your name" 


Revelation 5:9 states: "And they sang a new song, saying, 'Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation,'" 


Every person, no matter their race, their language, their socioeconomic status, their culural practices, or their people group are created in the image of God and will stand equal before God.  


We as a church are welcoming of every person. We hope you feel welcome here at Laporte Community Bible Church! 

You are Loved!

Issue 3

Divorce and Remarriage

The Laporte Community Bible Church agrees with this statement of position on divorce and remarriage. 


"God’s plan for marriage:

Marriage was the first human institution that God ordained. Jesus, when speaking to the Pharisees said, “Haven’t you read that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate” (Matthew 19:4). When a man and a woman are joined in marriage they become one physically and spiritually. We therefore uphold the sanctity of marriage in a lost and fallen world.

Divorce, the result of “hardened hearts”:

Becoming a Christian does not erase the earthly consequences of sin. Although we are becoming more like Christ, we may still suffer from emotional pain, personality defects, and sinful habits that are linked to our fallen nature. As a result, our marriages can be stressed and badly wounded, even to the point of being destroyed.

Divorce was not part of God's original plan (Matt. 19:8). Although the Law of Moses permitted a man to divorce his wife when she was found "displeasing to him because he finds something indecent about her" (Deut. 24:1), Jesus taught that divorce was allowed only because our "hearts were hard". God knows we are sinful and that is the only reason He allowed divorce. . The prophet Malachi tells us that God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16). Therefore, as Christians, we should have the same attitude toward divorce as God does and as a church we must strive to strengthen marriages.

The Bible allows Christians to divorce only under certain circumstances:

Believers are to strive for unity in their marriage even when there are differences of opinions and desires. Divorce rarely solves a problem and is always destructive to families and relationships. There are certain conditions under which Christians are allowed to divorce. One is when a spouse is guilty of porneia. Porneia refers to a variety of sexual activity including adultery, homosexuality, beastiality and incest (Matthew 5:32, 19:9, I Corinthians 5:1). The Apostle Paul taught that when a non-believer refuses to live with their believing spouse, particularly because of his or her Christian faith, divorce is allowable) but a believer should not initiate a divorce from an unbelieving spouse who is willing to continue their marriage relationship (I Corinthians 7:12-16.

If two believers have divorced and the one initiating the divorce subsequently repents, it is assumed that both parties will seek reconciliation. With appropriate forgiveness, they can once again enjoy their God ordained union. But, if one has remarried before reconciliation can occur, the first marriage cannot be reinstated. Fortunately, the grace of God becomes operative when there is repentance and confession regardless of the circumstances.

Many issues surrounding divorce are not specifically addressed in scripture. At times circumstances are complex and involve physical and emotional abuse, marital rape or emotional neglect or abandonment. If considering divorce because of situations such as these, a person should seek counsel from pastoral staff who can help them apply the wisdom and intent of scripture to their specific circumstances.

Divorce before becoming a Christian:

When we accept Christ as our savior and turn our life over to him, we become a new creation and God’s grace and forgiveness covers all sin, including a prior divorce. From the point of our conversion forward, we are to live a life pleasing to God. If divorced and remarried before accepting Christ, God expects us to make our current marriage pleasing to him, just as if we had never been married before. Our conversion does not erase the consequences of our past actions though, and a previous divorce may have significant physically and emotional effects on one’s current marriage.

Divorce and leadership:

All members in the church are subject to evaluation before being considered for a leadership position. If divorce is part of a Christian’s past, they are not disqualified from leadership. But, if considered for leadership they must be truly repentant of all past sins, including those associated with divorce. If divorced and remarried, their current marriage must be pleasing to God, as is required of any person being considered for a leadership position.

Remarriage after divorce:

The Bible makes provisions for remarriage after divorce. Nonetheless, there may be restrictions on remarriage depending on the circumstances. The Apostle Paul infers that if a Christian has been divorced and feels they can remain unmarried they should do so (I Corinthians 7:11). Christians who are unmarried and satisfied remaining that way have a unique opportunity to serve in God’s kingdom. But please take note, a divorced person who is no longer in a marriage relationship must maintain sexual purity, just as anyone else not married. Any sexual relationship outside of marriage is sin.

Marrying a divorced person:

Divorced persons are not “second class Christians.” Many of us have past sins that affect our present lives, even though we have been forgiven because of Christ’s death and resurrection. But, the Bible cautions Christians who are considering marriage to someone who has been divorced. Strictly speaking, if the divorce was not on biblical grounds, they will commit adultery by marrying the divorced person (Matthew 5:32, Mark 10:11-12). If a Christian is considering marrying someone who has been divorced, they should seek counsel with pastoral staff to discuss their specific circumstances. A pastor can help them understand what the Bible has to say about their decision. Be aware that there may be practical considerations of marrying a person who has been divorced; it is likely that their previous marriage will affect the new marriage relationship in some way.


God intends for those of us called to marriage to work on our marriage and remain married. In some circumstances divorce is allowed. If a Christian is divorced but it is not possible for them to reconcile with their spouse, remarriage may be acceptable, depending on the circumstances. Having been divorced and/or remarried does not preclude one from leadership positions at (Laporte Community Bible Church) provided any sins associated with the divorce and remarriage have been repented of and appropriately dealt with. " (taken from

Issue 4
Laporte Community
Bible Church



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Laporte, MN 56461

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